Our Son Richard and Granddaughters Azure and Emeline

Day 4

In spite of threatening rain clouds, we journeyed to Taite Creek Camp Site to spend the afternoon at the beautiful Arrow Lake. Richard and Azure went swimming in the ice-cold waters  and received a lot of cheers for their daring plunge. Later we warmed up at the campfire and the children had fun singing, dancing and listening to Opa’s melodies he played on the harmonica. It is all recorded on the one-minute video below.

2 thoughts on “Our Son Richard and Granddaughters Azure and Emeline

  1. Hallo,ihr Lieben! Sind das schöne Tage,die eure Lieben bei euch erleben dürfen-wir würden uns am liebsten anschliessen! Das Lagerfeuer mit Gesang und Musik-so richtig was für Kinder(und Erwachsene..)! Toll!! Unsere Bine mit der kleinen Mia sind noch bis morgen da-dann holt Papa Felix sie leider wieder ab!!Beide machen uns viel Freude!! Noch viel Spass für euch alle und bis bald! Edda,Dieter,Bine,Mia!😀😃😄😉

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  2. This is just so very beautiful…the scenery, the happy faces, relaxed and full of joy. Very very special and thank you so much for sharing, Peter. That’s a “mean” harmonica being played…!! Love this…just awesome!


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