Chapter 21 of the P. and G. Klopp Story – Part V

Army Heaven

Lake Starnberg, Bavaria - Photo Credit:

Lake Starnberg, Bavaria – Photo Credit:

Maxhof, a modern army training center, was a pleasant surprise to me. In contrast to the drab sameness of the 19th century design of the Falckenstein barracks, Maxhof impressed me with its pleasant appearance. It had more the looks of a hypermodern youth hostel than of a military building complex. Trees and ornamental shrubs surrounded the sleeping quarters, the cafeteria, and the administration building. There were even flowerbeds at the main entrance. Best of all was the room, where we were going to sleep. With its comfortable beds, its large windows with a view from the park-like setting all the way up to the nearby mountains, its brightly painted walls, a spacious desk for Gauke and me, all I needed was Mother’s fancy tablecloth, a vase with some pretty fall flowers to have the illusion of being at home.

Maxhof with Lake Starnberg in the background

Maxhof with Lake Starnberg in the background

Gauke and I reported for duty the following morning at the main building. There was a momentary kafuffle over us two soldiers from Koblenz. Apparently the officer in charge of the transfer was supposed to have provided certified truck drivers. The officer behind the counter was very much upset over being cheated out of two valuable experienced drivers. But in the end he assigned us to a driving instructor and informed us to show up for our lessons the very next morning. Gauke and I could hardly show restraint in our ecstatic joy over this most fortunate turn of events. Apart from our first positive impressions about the physical surroundings we noticed with glee that there were no mandatory line-ups, no check-ups of room, closet, and clothes; this was army heaven.

Massive Mercedes truck - the type we were trained on

Massive Mercedes truck – the type we were trained on

After two weeks of enjoyable driving lessons on the big Mercedes trucks, the compass needle of my inner life was no longer spinning out of control. More than three weeks had passed by now. Biene had not yet responded to my letter and I thought that if our correspondence was to end it should at least end on a good note. So I wrote,” … A relationship, no matter how you look at it, which had so beautifully and lovingly developed, is not the kind that we just break off. Something of that, which we shared, will remain open and will eat forever at our hearts. Therefore, I would like to amiably end, what we have so amiably started. Let us if not in reality then at least symbolically shake hands and without any bitter feelings part from each other. I am thankful for all the dear letters and tell you once more that you have given me much during the time of inner trouble and distress. Please do not turn down my last request, dear Biene, and write to me just one more time. One last sign from you, and I will be content…”

But there was no sign, and I was not content.

8 thoughts on “Chapter 21 of the P. and G. Klopp Story – Part V

  1. Peter I love what you wrote to her. I like the thought that a relationship built over a long period should not end abruptly or with a “bitter after taste”. Looking forward to read what happened next…..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. a moving story, Peter. I was looking-up the word kafuffle but it doesn’t exist, do you mean kerfuffle? Nice word anyway. Have a nice sunny Sunday, regards from hot and sunny Hamburg, Mitza

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vielen Dank für den Hinweis über das Wort kafuffle! Es gibt da mehrere Schreibweisen. Hier ist, was ich online gefunden habe.

      disorder, commotion; also written curfuffle , kerfuffle , gefuffle

      Hab noch eine schöne Woche! Auch bei uns ist es sonnig und heiß.
      Herzliche Grüße! Peter

      Liked by 1 person

      • Danke für die Aufklärung, Peter.Der dictionary in meinem Computer ist wirklich sehr gut, und der zeigte nur die Schreibweise kerfuffle an. Ein schönes Wort. Ich mag so Worte wie wishy-washy, razzle-dazzle, razzamatazz etc. Die kann ich mir am besten merken. Aber manche Texte mit philosophischen Gedanken sind mir auch auf Englisch zu schwer. Dafür, dass ich nur Fremdsprachensekretärin war, geht’s ganz gut. Herzliche Grüße aus Hamburg, Mitza

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