Chapter 39 of the Peter and Gertrud Klopp Story – Part III

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City of Calgary – Photo Credit:

Peter’s receives Papa Pankin’s Letter

February 28th ,Calgary

My beloved Biene,

My brother Gerry just brought me your father’s letter. From his point of view he is completely right, yet I cannot agree with him, because his ideas belong to an antiquated world. He writes that a husband must be able to support (feed was the word he used) his wife. Today most marriages begin with both working together. He writes that Calgary is the end of the world, because he still believes that Germany is the centre of the universe. Just imagine, how strange, he believes that I am abducting you to Canada. I could only smile about this statement For isn’t it your greatest desire to come to me? I was also puzzled about his paradoxical attitude that I could marry you if I had a lot of money. However, since I am as poor as a church mouse, he believes it to be irresponsible on his part to lend us any financial support.

My dear Biene, do not worry. I am not angry at your father’s answer. I only wish that you come soon.

Yours in love, Peter

IMG_3641Book of Dreams

Two Pages from the Book of Dreams

Biene is going to the Canadian Embassy

March 7th , Velbert

My dear Peter,

In two days I am going to Cologne. I am all excited and also glad. Do you remember the day, when you came from Cologne and we two traveled together to your mother’s place in Watzenborn. Our farewell was still ahead of us and now comes our reunion. How many days, often sad days, lie between! I am longing for the day of my departure and I am looking forward to seeing you again so much. As always I am also a little afraid. But it is a pleasant fear. What will be all ahead of us, Peter! Do you really believe that I don’t wear your ring at home? I never ever took it off, Peter. You must believe me; otherwise you really hurt me. Although sometimes it may have appeared to you that I was not as strong at home as I had promised in England, you must not lose faith in me, Peter.

Right now the first warm spring days have arrived and the pleasant anticipation to be with you is beginning to thaw my inner frozenness, which has held my feelings captive for the last little while.

As soon as I am back from the embassy, I will write you in greater details and will also answer your question to your last letter.

In love, Your Biene

35 thoughts on “Chapter 39 of the Peter and Gertrud Klopp Story – Part III

  1. That is really antiquated “feeding one’s wife”. Even my parents were both working at times. My mother’s parents were both working. They were nurses and didn’t earn enough money to keep a family of four on one salary.

    I do understand the puzzlement about the financial support matter. So, he would have supported you financially if you had been rich???? (I know he wouldn’t have, but that would be the conclusion from what he obviously wrote.)

    I am impressed that you being in Canada are able to abduct a person, who is in Germany … 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I know there was a time when a man was expected to be able to “support” a wife so she wouldn’t have to work. It was considered a sign of failure if a man’s wife worked—even though she might have wanted to. I assume that was Biene’s father’s view. But this was the 1960s, right? Times were changing, but perhaps too fast for him. But it sounds like Biene was now firm and committed and no longer under her father’s sway.

    Liked by 1 person

    • As a former police officer Bienes father did not recognize that the times and their customs were changing. In the 30’s he was not allowed to have a working wife. It was against the honor code of that era. Thank you, Amy, for your continued interest and participation in our story!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Biene’s father seems full of fear and wanting to keep her close to him. The proverbial no one especially someone in Canada is good enough for my daughter. Biene, on the other hand is taking some positive steps to come to Canada.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jetzt zeichnete sich doch ganz klar ab, daß Biene durch nichts mehr von ihren Plänen, zu Dir zu kommen, abzubringen war.Ich muß sie immer wieder wegen ihres Durchhaltevermögens und wegen ihrem Mut bewundern.Keiner hielt zu ihr aus der Familie und doch hat sie sich nicht davon abhalten lassen, nach Kanada zu kommen, trotz aller Schwierigkeiten und Unsicherheiten..
    Und daß Ihr beide Bienes Vater später nichts nachgetragen habt, sagt doch vieles über Euch aus!
    Und wir wissen ja schon, daß alles gut wurde!

    Dir und Biene alles Gute,Peter!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Vielen Dank, liebe Edda! Wie gut du dich in Bienes schwierige Lage hineinversetzen kannst. Ich hätte dich damals als persönliche Beraterin gebrauchen können. Zum Glück ist alles am Ende ganz nach Plan verlaufen und die Eltern mussten sich daran gewöhnen,, dass ihre Tochter ihr Glück in Kanada gefunden hat. Viele Grüße an euch beide! Diese Woche kommen wir wieder nach Hause. Alles Gute! Peter


  5. I can’t imagine how happy you must have been to know that Biene was finally coming, if I read her letter correctly. And I look forward to finding out if her parents every got to the point where they approved of it?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Ann, you already know the happy end to our story. You are posing the right question. How did the parents respond to the fact that their daughter lived with an unknown (to them|) husband in Canada. Biene’s mother was the first to support us and her father accepted me on our first visit to Germany to present their first grandson in 1968.

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  6. Captivating. I recently read a book titled “A Man Called Ove” and at several points I was reminded of your story. Of course there is no direct comparison and each life is different and unique, but in some nuances of character and setting I was reminded of your story. If you ever get to read it, I will be interested in knowing your views on this aspect.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Ankur,
        today September 8 I have read the first third of the novel. I have not yet found a similar line of thought. However, the more I read the more I begin to like Ove. I guess the main reason is that we all have a bit of his character in us. Thanks again for recommending the novel to me. Best wishes! Peter

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sorry if I misled you Peter. I believe I found Ove’s upright character and his eternal devotion to one woman to be somewhat reflective of you, based on what I see of you in your posts.

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      • Dear Ankur, don’t be sorry. I feel honoured and humbled that you see some of Ove’s characteristics in me. Thank you for recommending this novel to me! I enjoy reading it one chapter at a time.

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