41 thoughts on “The Peter and Gertrud Klopp Story – Chapter XXV

  1. It is so sweet to read this entry where you two are together and fully engaged—in both senses of the word. What a wonderful love story. I would think most people your age would never have survived such a long distance relationship as loomed ahead for you two, but obviously your love was very deep and very true—and it seems it still is over 50 years later!

    But really, Peter—you didn’t think she also wanted a ring? Tsk, tsk.

    Liked by 3 people

      • Here one could write a post on the lost art of letter writing. When being together with Biene, I was like most other young men. But writing to her was altogether different, yes, I really put my feelings into the forefront of my letters. Thanks for this wonderful comment, Amy!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. And oh how lovely to listen to you play the music for biene! It must’ve melted her heart. And so much more of a feat to accomplish before cell phones! You are such a romantic. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What a wonderful story of your blossoming love for each other. Both of you have quite a romantic bent. Although you were not so aware of social conventions like engagement rings! I am so glad it all ended well! The happiness on both of your faces is wonderful to behold.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I’m sure sitting quietly with a young lady on the train must have been an uncomfortable situation, as you mentioned. That picture of you and Biene together is such a sweet picture and so is playing the guitar.

    Of late, your post has become longer, a contrast from previous ones. Any particular reason?

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Peter, thank-you for sharing everything here. The guitar playing, the pictures and the most heartfelt letters as you and Biene’s lives began to merge forever. It’s such a beautiful story, and yet, maybe a foreign concept for a lot of people like me to grasp. I can understand why you were so overwhelmed as you began to reread all those letters, reliving the genesis of love and commitment between two people as they begin to plan out their lives together. It’s been a truly remarkable story to follow! Des

    Liked by 2 people

    • If it hadn’t been for those heartfelt letters and the photos, which brought wondrously the past events back to my memories, I would not have been able to describe in such minute details and with such clarity the complicated path to our joint venture in Canada. Thank you, Des, for your kind and insightful comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I love the photo of your mother. She has noble features and such a sweet smile!
    So has Biene actually, though in a different way. You two look adorable together … 😉

    From your vision of your joint future I understand that you intended her to stay at home and not work?

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Obwohl ich ja,wie Du schon geschrieben hast, Eure “Love story” bereits kenne, fesselt sie mich doch immer wieder. Die Geschichte mit dem Ring zum Beispiel ist mir noch sehr gut in Erinnerung. Der heimliche Wunsch von Biene, Du mögest doch auf den Gedanken kommen, ihr auch einen Ring zu schenken…Ich kann mich da so gut in sie hineinversetzen… Übrigens gab es da zwischen Dieter und mir anfangs ebenfalls mal ein ähnliches Mißverständnis…nur daß damals i c h auf der langen Leitung stand…🙆
    Die Briefe, die Ihr Euch geschrieben habt, sind wirklich druckreif, ein Goethe hätte es nicht besser gekonnt.. Einfach schön..👍
    Und musikalisch konntet Ihr Euch auch gegenseitig eine Freude machen .
    Eure Fotos strahlen wirklich so viel Liebe und Freude aus!
    Das Foto Deiner Mutter könnte ich auch immer wieder betrachten!
    Ebenso das Bild mit Biene und ihrem Zwillingsbruder..
    Wie ist es ihm eigentlich später ergangen?
    Er war ja dann oft bei Euch und Euren Kindern ..
    Aber das ist sicher eine andere Geschichte. Es würde mich aber sehr interessieren..
    Eine schöne Adventszeit für beide!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ja, wie Walter sich aus einem beinahe virulenten Gegner unserer Kanadapläne zu einem lieben Hausfreund und häufigen Besucher entwickelt hat, ist eine andere Geschichte. Wer weiß, ob ich da noch dazu komme, darüber zu schreiben. Er hat mit seiner Krebskrankheit ein tragisches Ende genommen. Er starb nach einem heldenhaften Kampf im Alter von nur 49 Jahren.
      Auch ich möchte euch eine Frohe und Gesegnete Adventszeit wünschen.


  8. What a most romantic and beautiful chapter in your’s and Biene’s life, your writing is just beautiful and expresses more than words can do, if you know what I mean. Ich wuensche Euch eine schoene Adventszeit, liebste Gruesse aus California, we are blessed with decent rain these days, much needed.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. That is the sweetest and most endearing engagement story I have ever read. I know (since I’ve read later parts of your story) that there were bumps in the road before Biene made it to Canada to become your wife, but I can’t help but think that the thoughts you expressed to each other at this time laid the foundation for a very, very strong marriage and a very happy life together!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for this veritable wave of kindness coming from the Fab Four of Cley! Reading all your comments and receiving all your likes was like a belated Christmas present for me. I am both humbled and honoured. Thanks again!

      Liked by 1 person

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