The Peter and Gertrud Klopp Story – ChapterXLI

Chapter 41

One more Painful Twist



Our human compassion binds us the one to the other – not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.

Nelson Mandela

Biene’s Father Gets a Stroke

March 17th, 1966 Velbert

My dear Peter,

Today in anticipation of spring the sun was shining its warm rays into our office and distracted me from my work. Herr Richter, a very understanding and capable department head remarked that I was in my thoughts already in Canada. But as brightly the sun may be shining and as much I long to be happy and light-hearted, it does not look as cheerful inside me. My father is very sick. He had suffered a stroke and must get rest for a very long time. I am sure that the excitement about me contributed to his illness, but the main cause was clearly his unhealthy life style. Dear Peter, you can imagine how things are now with me. Now that I can come to you, I cannot stand it here at home anymore. Also the barely concealed accusations that I am responsible for my father’s illness are tormenting me. I had been so happy after my trip to Cologne. Now I feel the full force of despair all over again. After an encouraging and conciliatory talk with my mother I had immediately booked my flight with the travel agency for April 6 to be with you already for Easter. Everything appeared to be so promising and now …  If my father quickly recovers, I will not postpone my flight; for I believe that the tension caused by my planned departure is harming him more than the certainty that I will be going away soon. I believe that it will be a relief for all of us, as hard as it sounds.

You are right, Peter. In England I was much stronger and also much happier. I could concentrate on myself and attempt to be myself, whereas here I am being torn apart by people, who love me, but wish to decide over my life according to their own ideas of happiness. Nobody can imagine that I wish for myself a totally different life and everybody tries to keep me away from my impending disaster. But they have no inkling that this way they make me and themselves unhappy. I know that it is right to come to you, even though many people think it is cruel.

I am looking forward to seeing you and spending the evenings with you in the tiny apartment. We will certainly then forget all the things which have burdened our hearts. And I hope that in your dreams you will no longer have to sleep with other girls.  For me as well temptations have been a constant threat. In England I had my freedom and your love in my heart. That gave me so much strength that I could easily resist the temptations. Even in my dreams I wasn’t searching for a more beautiful reality. Everybody liked me and also everybody knew that I love you. Here at home unfortunately everything is different. I cannot bear it any longer that I must hurt them so much. And yet I love you and I have made my decision. Sometimes I am in a state that I want to numb my senses. But have no fear. I will endure the remaining time I am here.

Now I am almost finished with my letter and have not yet thanked you for your long letter, which gave me a much needed lift. I am happy to hear that you have so much success with your studies. I will make certain that I will not be a distraction to your final exams when I am with you. Now, dear Peter, let us hope that I may soon come to you.

Be now sweetly embraced and kissed

Your Biene

P.S. By the way my inner calendar is very exact. Perhaps it is not good at all to worry so much about it.


Paving the Way towards a Brighter Future

Peter’s Last Letter before Biene’s Arrival in Canada

March 25th , Calgary

My dear Biene,

I remember very well the time when I wrote you the first long letter. Just like three years ago I am sitting in the warm spring sun and hope that it will bring some warmth into my lines.

Your birthday letter has reopened the locked chambers of my heart with power and might, and a flood of new ideas is pouring out about our near future, our little apartment, our weekends in the city or at the lakes in the mountains. With so much joyful tension and anticipation I can barely concentrate on my studies and I am longing for a break from my intensive work.

Only at night time I am still being plagued by ‘nightmares’, which constantly warn me against the wedding soon to take place. They whisper threateningly that we both don’t have the assurance of the heart to throw ourselves into such an adventure. But in the light of a new day I always return to my confidence and trust. I have been searching deep within me and often discovered that the very weaknesses I had attacked most fiercely in you lie also hidden in me. You were in deep trouble, almost in a state of desperation. There weaknesses emerged in a way that greatly disappointed me. But after some time through self-discovery I was able to understand them. I wished you wouldn’t worry about this my disappointment any more. In the atmosphere, where nobody dictates what our happiness should look like, let us work on the healing of soul, spirit and mind and let us try to overcome our weaknesses.

I am little ashamed that you are a bit afraid of me. Perhaps I have sometimes given you cause for such fear through my seemingly cold behaviour. Perhaps you even believed that your father’s illness could provide the answer to my last urgent question. Now that I did not receive any reply,  I had to assume of course that you are sticking to your original plans. In the meantime your parents will have received my letter, in which in very kind words I have adopted your and your mother’s position and reassured your parents that you would not be in any kind of danger. I hope my letter will contribute to alleviate their fears. I also wrote that I was sorry if they felt insulted by my letter last Christmas. Hopefully you will understand that I could not apologize for what I had written. The strength to overcome my reluctance to write and to fulfill all your wishes came from the returning trust that from now on everything between us will develop normally and we two will forget the ‘sick’ period of the last three months. Should we not learn to trust each other, then spiritually speaking we will have built our relationship on sand and I will have no more hope. I am looking forward to make a little paradise out of our apartment. We will achieve this with love, imagination, and our skilful hands.

Thanks for the many kisses. It’s too bad that I was only allowed to imagine them and did not receive them right away.

Please write when the plane arrives in Calgary, so I can pick you up.

Greetings in love

Your  Peter

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Biene’s Last Letters from Germany

March 26th, Velbert

My dear Peter,

Finally after a long time I have a quiet evening, which I want to devote to you right away. Normally there is always somebody here for a visit, even though I am not always in a sociable frame of mind and would prefer to be alone with my thoughts. Today it snowed so hard and the streets were so slippery that my friend Ulrike, who had come in spite of it all, immediately drove home again.

Now I sit at my desk, on which I had written so many letters. A little oil lamp, which a friend had given to me for my birthday, is spreading a soft light that creates a dreamy atmosphere. And so it also happens that I am playing my opera records. But ‘Don Giovanni’ will come last, when I am already in bed and have switched off the light. You must feel for sure, what I am thinking. Indeed it would be wonderful, if you were with me now. God willing it will not be long until I can come to you. Thank God, my father is on the road of recovery. We all are breathing a sigh of relief.

In the next couple of days I will finally book a flight. Yesterday my passport with all its pertinent papers stamped and cleared ready for the flight came back from Cologne. I am getting more and more excited. Hopefully at least you will stay calm before the exams.

I have to work for another five days. During the last month I have become so accustomed to my work that I thoroughly enjoyed it. This was especially due to the very pleasant department, in which I had been placed. I would really love to work in Calgary at an office of a large company, if that will be possible. Do you think, we will find something suitable?

My dear Peter, how can I possibly control my excitement, until I am with you? I feel it more and more. Dear Peter, I must not carry on thinking of all these things. Otherwise my fantasy will run wild and I will get sick with excitement, Hopefully I can soon pass the exact date of my arrival on to you.

My dear Peter, try also to remain as calm as possible. But I believe, even if I had to travel to the Shah of Persia, I would not be as excited as now at the thought of coming to you.

For now be lovingly embraced by your Biene

March 29th, Velbert

My dear Peter,

Very quickly the most important information! I just returned from the travel agent. The flight is booked and paid for. Next week on Wednesday, April 6th I take off at Düsseldorf at 13 hours and will arrive in Calgary at 22 hours local time.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words with the good news in your last letter. I also thank you for writing to my parents. I am so happy about it. Your letter was well received by them. My father is getting better. I just don’t know how to manage to visit your mother in the remaining days. Unfortunately, my parents had also in this regard thrown obstacles in my way …

Dear Peter, although I did not do everything right in your eyes, I ask you for understanding. Unfortunately, it is true that letters can only reflect a fraction of the life and character of a person. Now I have to close and say goodbye.

Pray that all will be well.

Your Biene

14 thoughts on “The Peter and Gertrud Klopp Story – ChapterXLI

  1. Was für eine nervenaufreibende Story, ist ja bald nicht mehr steigerungsfähig!!
    Immer noch ein bißchen mehr “drauf”, man kann es auch im Nachhinein kaum glauben..
    Daß Biene nun auch noch zu allem den Vorwurf ertragen mußte, am Schlaganfall ihres Vaters mit Schuld zu sein, war sehr traurig..
    Wie gut, daß der Zeitpunkt der Abreise nun feststand..

    Herzliche Grüße!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ja, liebe Edda, zum Glück kennen wir ja das Happy Ending. Ende gut, alles gut heißt ja das deutsche Sprichwort.
      Bevor ich mit Bienes Familiengeschichte weitermache, muss ich aber das achte Kind von der Klopp-Familie; Tante Anna, Baronin von Waldenfels, mir zu Bearbeitung vornehmen. Tante Anna hatte ich persönlich kennengelernt. Vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar!


  2. Well Peter, you both struggled emotionally at times, yet held it together and stayed with the plan. Bless you both for your dedication and faith in each other! It looks like there’s light at the end of the tunnel… Des

    Liked by 1 person

  3. If it would be today , couples will get divorced in one iota of struggle – your commitment to each other is super inspiring and I still am amazed how strong Bien is . To go against the current – she has more guts than many people I know

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Peter, Biene’s letters are becoming so much stronger, her excitement is truly expressed, despite the blame for her father’s stroke. I can share that pressure she had experienced with her…. after I had lived for one year in the USA, I went back to Germany for a visit, taking my parents for a visit to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, to his twin sister, my father had died there within a few seconds, sitting at the table having a conversation with the family. Needless to say that we all were in such a shock, but my mother literally blame me in her roughest words, that I was responsible for his death, because I had moved to California. It had taken me years to get over this accusation, finally ending in forgiveness. Well I just wanted to share Biene’s anxiety with her family. Cornelia

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Cornelia, I am so glad to read that you found the courage to forgive. Biene and I were more fortunate. Once we were married and all indications were that Biene was happy, the process of reconciliation started one year after Biene arrived in Canada. Thank you so much for being such a supporter of our story, Cornelia1


  5. I had forgotten the matter with the stroke … but luckily Biene did not take the moral blackmailing seriously. That is the meanest thing people can do, try to blame them for somebody’s illness or death.

    Again I must say what a relief it is to know that everything turned out well! You were tested very hard, Biene with being among people who pressured her constantly, you being far away and more and less alone and feeling helpless. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Helpless is the right description of my situation at that time. Fortunately, when the parents realized that they could not hold back their daughter, they were ready for reconciliation. Biene and I did not hold any grudges against them.Thank you very much for taking the time to read these rather lengthy posts, Brigit!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Your dedication to each other through all the obstacles, some of them a complete surprise, is inspiring! Although I know it was hard at the time, I almost wish all couples had to struggle as you two did before they got together…that way they would know for sure they belonged together!

    Liked by 1 person

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