Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Wednesday’s Photo

Besides the Christmas tree with the symbolic meaning of hope through its evergreen quality, many other things are associated with the German Christmas tradition. One of them is the nutcracker that is often found under the tree. Another costum is the use of real wax candles to illuminate the tree and its ornaments. Perhaps a little less known is the ‘smoker’, das Räuchermännchen that usually resides on the festive table. Inside, you find a cone-shaped piece of incense. When lit, it burns and emits its aroma for about 15 minutes. During this time, it sends smoke through its open mouth. For a special effect, I attached the smoker to our Christmas tree and took a picture of the Räuchermännchen. The smoke went straight up. So I confess that I cheated a little with my photo editor and made the rising smoke curl for you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my blogging friends! I will resume my blogging activity, God willing, in the second week of 2023. Best wishes and blessings to you all.

39 thoughts on “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  1. This looks so cosy, Peter. We also had a Räuchermännchen. I think originally one was burning myrrh? The nutcracker was also a must and living lights, which nowadays are deemed too dangerous.
    I wish you and Biene and your visitors happy, peaceful days.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hallo,Peter!
    Das Räuchermännchen macht sich sehr gut an dem 🎄 Weihnachtsbaum.. Der von ihm ausgestoßene Rauch hat übrigens eine wichtige Bedeutung:
    Der Weihrauchduft sorgt dafür, daß die bösen Geister aus dem Haus vertrieben werden und nur Platz für die guten Geister bleibt!!
    Also tut Ihr gut daran, das Räuchermännchen bei seiner Arbeit nicht zu stören!
    Wir beide wünschen Dir und Biene ein friedliches, besinnliches Weihnachtsfest und alles Gute im neuen Jahr!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a delightful tradition. I’d never heard of das Räuchermännchen , but it certainly would be fun to have one as part of the celebration. A Merry Christmas to you and Biene. I’ll look forward to learning more from you in the new year, as well as enjoying your photos.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. When I was a child my family would occasionally visit upstate New York and New England. I remember buying and bringing back little conical cones of pine incense. I assume the ones you’ve described here are similar.

    Happy 2023.


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