Natural Splendour of the Arrow Lake

Wednesday’s Photos

A Canoe Ride and a Nice Find

The other day my wife and I went for a canoe ride on our beautiful Arrow Lake. It was a big surprise even for us that there was no other boat on the lake on that Saturday morning. From Detta Beach we decided to head north for a change. It was a perfect day: no wind, only a few clouds in the sky, and the temperature just right. Feeling happy and relaxed, we let the electric motor do the work for us. Of course, we had taken our cameras with us to capture some of the magnificent scenery. After about 4 km we found a good spot to pull our canoe ashore. A beautiful piece of driftwood attracted my attention. The thought immediately occurred to me to load it onto the canoe and let Biene use it to decorate our garden. Here are the pictures of our trip. Enjoy.




31 thoughts on “Natural Splendour of the Arrow Lake

    • Perhaps it is time to repeat your trip to Lake Louise and all the other marvellous sites in the Canadian Rockies with your three granddaughters. The exchange rate is very good for you at this point in time.


    • Recently we had much cooler weather with plenty of rain. But now it looks like we are at the start of a terrible heat wave. The answer for us is to go camping at one of our many lake sites to be near the cool waters of the Arrow Lake. Best wishes! Peter

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  1. Gottogott ist das schön! Fabelhaft sieht es aus. Es hat uns so begeistert, dass Klausbernd und ich gerade überlegt haben ein Kanu anzuschaffen, die pros und cons. Die Creeks in den Salzmarschen könnten wir damit easy erreichen. Jedoch schwärmen dort die Mücken. Unerträglich. 😦
    Wer liebt nicht Driftwood; Wäre es nicht eine Idee irgendwann über das Driftwood im Garten zu bloggen? Und uns Leser Anregungen zu geben? 😉
    Herzliche Grüße zu dir und Biene aus Norfolk. Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vielen Dank an unsere Freunde aus Norfolk! Eine Kanufahrt gibt einem eine völlig neue Perspektive. Man schaut aufs Ufer und betrachtet vom See die Landschaft mit anderen Augen. Vielen Dank auch für die Anregung, Driftwood in unserem Garten zu zeigen! Viele liebe Grüße aus dem fernen Kanada!

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