Fintry Provincial Park

Wednesday’s Photos

Mother’s Day Trip to Fintry Park

Last week, my wife and I travelled to a historic site an hour’s drive south of Vernon BC. It turned out to be a pleasant trip along the shores of Okanagan Lake. Our son had told us that there is a spectacular waterfall in addition to a beautiful campground ideal for camping, boating and swimming. What attracted our eyes were the old buildings that were in a state of decay but still radiated the glamour of a bygone era. I found the fascinating story of the founder of this great estate on a tourist information board. Captain James Cameron Dun-Waters was a Scotsman who came to Canada in 1909. When he arrived at Fintry, he discovered a piece of land that he instantly recognized as having the potential to be transformed into a paradise of natural splendour. He harnessed against the advice of European engineers the power of a nearby creek and waterfall. To the latter, we tourists could climb very steep wooden stairs that led to the thunderous source high above the valley below. Here are a few photos and a video I took on my iPhone and an informative YouTube documentary on this amazing pioneer from Scotland.

Biene standing in front of what is left of the old Fintry estate

Peter ready to climb the staircase to the waterfall

7 thoughts on “Fintry Provincial Park

  1. A beautiful place and impressive farm. I am always amazed by these giant barns they built at that time.

    The waterfall is quite impressive as well. I guess they got a lot of electricity from the creek.

    And last but not least, it is nice to see you both looking so well.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The octagonal dairy barn is charming! It’s good to see your and Biene in the midst of so much summer growth, too. That must have been as enjoyable as the splendid waterfall. It’s quite a place, with quite an interesting history. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.


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