A Tale of Two Teachers

A Humorous Comparison by Dieter Barge

Today I have a little joke. Peter Klopp, a retired teacher, had asked me to make a blog post about cacti with pictures of particularly beautiful blossoms. I will soon do this.

Today I would like to quickly report something about Wilhelm Busch, who was a German painter, early cartoonist, and most beloved of all German poets. In his book “Max and Moritz”  he wrote the story in seven boyish pranks about the two little rascals Max and Moritz. While their devout teacher Lämpel is busy at church, the boys invade his home and fill his favorite pipe with gunpowder. When he lights the pipe, the blast knocks him unconscious, blackens his skin and burns away all his hair.  Here is the beginning of the 4th trick:

An old saw runs somewhat so:

Man must learn while here below.

Not alone the A, B, C,

Raises man in dignity;

Not alone in reading, writing,

Reason finds a work inviting;

Not alone to solve the double

Rule of Three shall man take trouble;

But must hear with pleasure Sages

Teach the wisdom of the ages.

In addition the teacher is drawn like this:


We bought a carved figure of Master Lämpel ! Now a certain resemblance between two teachers has struck me:

Peter Klopp Lämpel small

On this post I share my discovery with glee. Peter will certainly not be angry with me!

Contributed by Master Jester Dieter Barge, who married Edda, the granddaughter of Bruno Kegler (my uncle) and thus became an invaluable member of the illustrious Klopp-Kegler Clan famous or perhaps rather notoriously known for its jocular disposition. To see the Kegler Family Tree, Chart II a – IV, click here. – Peter Klopp