Our 49th Wedding Anniversary

55db1208f2b79aedfc6765855e5fc308As a math teacher I have always been  fascinated by numbers. Today, May 21st, on our anniversary, I see a special meaning hidden in the number of years Gertrud and I have been married.

7² = 49

For forty-nine years Gertrud (Biene) and I have been traveling through life’s pathways, some smooth, some rocky, but mostly straight with God’s help and guidance, who blessed us two with a wonderful family that over the years grew to seven members. We have been married seven times seven years.


The number seven is one of the most significant in the Bible. Scholars say it denotes completeness or perfection. After creating the world God rested on the seventh day and the seven-day week has been adopted by all human civilizations. The word “created” is used seven times in the Book Of Genesis in reference to the making of the world. Seven also symbolizes the unity of the four corners of Earth with the Holy Trinity. The number seven occurs more than 700 times throughout the Bible and 54 time in the Book Of Revelation, which refers to seven churches, seven angels, seven seals, seven trumpets and seven stars. Israel captured the city of Jericho after marching around it seven times, Solomon took seven years to build his temple, Job had seven sons and the great flood came seven days after Noah went into his ark. In the story of Joseph in Egypt there were seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. The list is almost endless. In all cultures the number seven has special meaning and is viewed as a lucky number.

I am happy that I  found and married such a loving wife and caring mother of our five ‘boys’, Robert, Richard, Anthony, Michael and Stefan.

7 thoughts on “Our 49th Wedding Anniversary

  1. Hallo Biene und Peter !
    Einen lieben Gruß zu Eurem 49. Hochzeitstag von Edda und Dieter !
    Ihr seid eine großartige Familie !
    wir wünschen Euch noch viele schöne Jahre miteinander und in den
    nächsten Tagen viel Spaß mit Eurem lieben Besuch !


  2. Happy, happy, Wedding Anniversary to you both, Peter and Gertrud. What a remarkable life journey. I love reading your stories and seeing your pictures. Have a wonderful day and enjoy your visiting family. How very bizarre I am currently working on a poem about No 7…lots of connections to what your have said about no 7! Indeed special and sacred. End of May, It will have been 7 years since John and I met. Watch this space…poem will appear in due course. Love and continued Blessings to you Both and many more blessed years to come.


  3. Liebe Gertrud(Biene),lieber Peter!
    Die allerherzlichsten Glückwünsche zu eurem 49.(!!)
    Hochzeitstag.Es ist so schön,wie liebevoll ihr auf diese Jahre zurückseht.Es ist nicht immer alles eitel Sonnenschein.Aber ich denke,das,was wir aus euren ganzen Berichten über Euch und eure Familie bisher erfahren haben,spricht für sich!!
    Auf die nächsten 49Jahre!👥
    Alles Liebe!🌹🌹


  4. Liebe Biene, lieber Peter,
    auch von uns die herzlichsten Glück- und Segenswünsche zum Hochzeitstag.
    Ich kann es kaum lauben, aber wir hatten voriges Jahr unseren 40.!
    Viele Grüße und alles Gute
    Norbert und Christa

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