Natural Splendour of the Arrow Lakes

Wednesday’s Photos

Life Cycle of the Dandelion

My wife and I celebrated our 55th wedding anniversary all by ourselves. Covid was the culprit that forced us not to invite anybody for this festive occasion. So we took a walk at our local golf course with no particular plan for taking pictures. I was surprised to see the dandelion flower at all three stages: budding, flowering and ready to cast its seeds into the air. I know dandelions are not very popular with many people as they consider them weeds and judge them to be ugly in their yards when they go into seeds. Nevertheless, I found them fascinating and here they are. Enjoy.

32 thoughts on “Natural Splendour of the Arrow Lakes

  1. Happy anniversary! Yours is a great love story.

    I’m interested in dandelions too. I had noticed the variation in them but was surprised to learn we have 250 kinds in the UK.


  2. Peter und Biene,wir gratulieren Euch von ganzem Herzen zum 55.Hochzeitstag!💓
    Sicher hättet Ihr gerne mit Gästen gefeiert,zumindest mit Euren Kindern und deren Familien.In Gedanken werden sie alle bei Euch gewesen sein.Ihr habt so tolle Söhne,Schwiegertöchter und Enkel.Das ist der grösste Reichtum,den man sich wünschen kann.. Und alle denken mit Liebe an Euch!….Auch wir!
    Seid in Gedanken ganz fest umarmt von uns beiden!
    Herzliche Grüße!!!
    Edda und Dieter

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy anniversary!

    I recall blowing dandelion seeds as a child and getting disapproving looks from the neighbors who didn’t want them to sprout on their lawns. (But everyone had them anyway.)


  4. Congratulations with your 55th wedding anniversary, Peter and Biene! And many happy returns!

    We love the colour of dandelions in the green meadows, it is such a warm shade of yellow. I don’t mind them in the grass, I just don’t want them in the flower beds. I use the flowers as spice for food, by the way.
    In Denmark people are theoretically obliged to remove them from their gardens, as well as thistles, but in our village nobody seems to give a hoot, so why should we? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy 55th Wedding Anniversary Peter and Biene! Enjoyed your dandelions, they are so colorful and festive! Enjoy your special day and plan a group celebration for later! You definitely have cause for celebration today! 😊


  6. I’m sorry the epidemic prevented a gathering, but congratulations on your 55th anniversary! That’s a wonderful thing to celebrate.
    I love your photo of the dandelion, like a rising sun, with a little beetle exploring it, that’s a fun and excellent shot.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Happy Anniversary to you and Biene, Peter! Whether it’s a day with dandelions or 55 years of life, you seem to know how to make the most of them. Here’s to many more years of happiness!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy Anniversary.
    I have seen these dandelions only in high altitude Himalayas in India. They are pretty. For most people in India, this would be an exotic flower since it is not seen in other parts of India.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Congratulations on your 55th wedding anniversary. Hopefully it won’t be long before you can celebrate with your family and friends.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Das habichtskraut sieht einfach klasse aus, noch dazu mit dem beetle.
    Nachträglich alles Gute zum 55ten!
    Das ist ein ordentlicher Meilenstein. 😀
    Dass ihr niemand einladen konntet, finde ich schade.
    Wir hatten gestern die Nichte meiner Frau mit ihrem Kind zu Gast, alle ja geimpft oder getestet, so war das sicher.
    Eine große Freude für Andrea, ihre Tante wiedersehen zu können. Meine Frau hat große Bedeutung für sie.


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