Natural Splendour of the Arrow Lake

Wednesday’s Photos

Introducing the Alberta Rose

The Alberta rose is the provincial emblem of the eastern neighbour of BC. It is such a beautiful flower that I am inclined to call it the queen of the wild roses. It thrives in cold climates, but it does not disdain to grow in milder regions such as the area around the Arrow Lake. I took the photos in a single session late in the evening as the sun was setting. One landscape shot with a rosebush in the foreground shows the Needles ferry as it was crossing the lake. Enjoy.


Three Stages of Development in one Photo: Buds, Flowers and Seed Heads


Rosebush decorating the Lakeshore


Rosebush against the Evening Sky


The Needles Ferry making its 15 minute Crossing of the Arrow Lake


Close-Up of the Queen of the Wild Roses

42 thoughts on “Natural Splendour of the Arrow Lake

  1. Absolutely beautiful! Love the whole setting that the roses grow in. Here in Alaska, we have a rose that looks very similar but it appears to be a little smaller. They are are blooming now and are known as the Alaska Rose. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am not worried yet. On Father’s Day I went canoeing with my wife on the Arrow Lake. We had the lake all to ourselves. A little bit of tourism would help, GP.

      On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 11:15 AM, The Peter and Gertrud Klopp Family Project wrote:


      Liked by 1 person

    • Die Alberta Rose liebt trockenes Klima und ist sehr genügsam. Sie ist auch super stachlig und wächst wie Unkraut. Sie könnte leicht anderen Rosen den Platz streitig machen. Viel Glück beim Googeln, Brigit!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Ich plane eine Art Rosendickicht zur Strasse hin. Dafür wären alle rambling roses bestens geeignet. Das gibt dann auch geschützte Plätze für die Vögel. Leider ist es hier meistens nicht trocken. Dieses Jahr war eine Ausnahme. Es hat jetzt auch angefangen zu regnen, und dann hört es hier so schnell nicht wieder auf.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Ja, falls die Alberta Rose sich eurem Klima anpassen würde, wäre sie schon als Dickicht geeignet. Sehr stachlig! Ich habe eine als Hecke in unsere Gartengrenze gepflanzt. Mein Nachbar ist nicht sehr glücklich. Er nennt die Rose etwas ordinär ‘balls catcher’.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. So glad that your site had this wonderful rose this morning. It looks to be very large for the wild rose family. Can you (if you have time ) measure one of the larger blooms for me? Do they have a nice smell to them? What sorts of insects are attracted to them? I know many questions… Yes, I am doing better and sooooo glad to be back amoung the living. Thanks for posting. 😎 From Northern Minnesota

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This is the first time I am hearing about the Arrow Lake and the place seems exceptional and perfect for a morning stroll. Plus, that rose is breathtaking. Is it possible to find accommodation nearby?

    Liked by 2 people

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