Chapter 41 of the Peter and Gertrud Klopp Story – Part IV

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Biene’s Last Letters from Germany

March 26th, Velbert

My dear Peter,

Finally after a long time I have a quiet evening, which I want to devote to you right away. Normally there is always somebody here for a visit, even though I am not always in a sociable frame of mind and would prefer to be alone with my thoughts. Today it snowed so hard and the streets were so slippery that my friend Ulrike, who had come in spite of it all, immediately drove home again.

Now I sit at my desk, on which I had written so many letters. A little oil lamp, which a friend had given to me for my birthday, is spreading a soft light that creates a dreamy atmosphere. And so it also happens that I am playing my opera records. But ‘Don Giovanni’ will come last, when I am already in bed and have switched off the light. You must feel for sure, what I am thinking. Indeed it would be wonderful, if you were with me now. God willing it will not be long until I can come to you. Thank God, my father is on the road of recovery. We all are breathing a sigh of relief.

In the next couple of days I will finally book a flight. Yesterday my passport with all its pertinent papers stamped and cleared ready for the flight came back from Cologne. I am getting more and more excited. Hopefully at least you will stay calm before the exams.

I have to work for another five days. During the last month I have become so accustomed to my work that I thoroughly enjoyed it. This was especially due to the very pleasant department, in which I had been placed. I would really love to work in Calgary at an office of a large company, if that will be possible. Do you think, we will find something suitable?

My dear Peter, how can I possibly control my excitement, until I am with you? I feel it more and more. Dear Peter, I must not carry on thinking of all these things. Otherwise my fantasy will run wild and I will get sick with excitement, Hopefully I can soon pass the exact date of my arrival on to you.

My dear Peter, try also to remain as calm as possible. But I believe, even if I had to travel to the Shah of Persia, I would not be as excited as now at the thought of coming to you.

For now be lovingly embraced by your Biene

March 29th, Velbert

My dear Peter,

Very quickly the most important information! I just returned from the travel agent. The flight is booked and paid for. Next week on Wednesday, April 6th I take off at Düsseldorf at 13 hours and will arrive in Calgary at 22 hours local time.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words with the good news in your last letter. I also thank you for writing to my parents. I am so happy about it. Your letter was well received by them. My father is getting better. I just don’t know how to manage to visit your mother in the remaining days. Unfortunately, my parents had also in this regard thrown obstacles in my way …

Dear Peter, although I did not do everything right in your eyes, I ask you for understanding. Unfortunately, it is true that letters can only reflect a fraction of the life and character of a person. Now I have to close and say goodbye.

Pray that all will be well.

Your Biene

32 thoughts on “Chapter 41 of the Peter and Gertrud Klopp Story – Part IV

  1. Peter, if I could I would click on a triple like. Finally we all readers can breath calmly again. Biene is such a beautiful soul, the way she expresses herself in her letters absolutely presents that. Now we all just have to wait for the moment her airplane touches the grounds of Canada, and we all can celebrate. Would you share with us your heart beating moment once we arrives in your arms? Have a blessed and wonderful weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Was für schöne Zeilen von Biene, so voller Liebe.. Und endlich ist diese ganze schwere Zeit für sie/Dich bald vorbei. Biene schreibt so zuversichtlich, ich bewundere sie immer wieder noch nachträglich für ihren Optimismus und ihre Kraft.. Es ist ganz klar für sie, daß Ihr Euer Leben meistert, wenn Ihr erstmal zusammen seid! Und man fiebert noch richtig mit bei der Vorstellung, daß Biene bald da war,, wo sie schon so lange sein wollte:Bei Dir..
    Eigentlich müßte die “Geschichte”ja jetzt noch lange fortgesetzt werden! Denn das Schönste kommt ja noch…eigentlich…😉
    Liebe Grüße aus Sottmar!


    • Du hast recht, liebe Edda. Das Schönste kommt ja noch. Jedoch möchte ich eine kleine Pause machen, weil andere Aufgaben auf mich zukommen. Ich habe zum Beispiel Hartmut versprochen, seine Albert Schweitzer Seminare für Kinder zu veröffentlichen, dann ist eine weitere Forschungsarbeit eines hiesigen verstorbenen Autors über die Geschichte der Bergwerke zu bearbeiten, und zu guter letzt soll ja auch die faszinierende Geschichte von Bienes Eltern erzählt werden. Nun ich werde sehen, wie es im Oktober weitergeht. Vielen Dank für deine treue Anteilnahme! Es ist wirklich rührend von dir, wie du alles mit uns noch einmal miterlebt hast.
      Viele liebe Grüße auch an Dieter!


      • Lieber Peter, da hast Du Dir viel vorgenommen! Vor allem auf die Geschichte von Bienes Eltern bin ich gespannt. Und Hartmut wird sich auch sehr freuen über die Veröffentlichung seiner Schweizer Seminare für Kinder.👍

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hier ist noch ein anderer Gedanke. So mancher Blogging Freund hat darum gebeten, noch einmal unsere Geschichte von vorne zu erzählen. Zwar kann man sie bei der Klopp Story nachlesen, doch ist das für viele Leute zu kompliziert. Das wäre dann wie im Fernsehen ein Rerun.


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